Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Tonight, bits of "found art," mainly a palimpset of doodles on top of my own doodles.

I take a lot of notes. Important notes. Like the notes you see here, denoting the episodes of Jonny Quest I've moved to the iPod Touch. But because I leave notes like this and pens lying around my desk where the children can get them, I often get their own doodles along with my own. For example:

A dog and a bunny, this time in Bic blue ballpoint pen ink, from my daughter. And also this:

Of course, the companion animal of choice, a cat.

Not to be outdone, my oldest son also made this contribution:

The joy of found art like this is I never have to wonder where Gary Larson and the like found their inspiration. It's got to have been all around them. All they had to do was open their eyes and look. Or at least look at the papers they leave on their desks.

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